Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stopping a Minute and Seeing Where We're At

When I started this blog I really wasn't 100% percent sure where it would go. I wanted it to stay fun, not a obligation, and be a place where I could be creative and expressive. It's still fun, it's a mild obligation, and it went in a newsy direction I didn't anticipate.

After Thursday's events, I realized the effort to save MAST was now a matter of the hard work of getting out with people and gathering signatures to get the issue on the ballot. It's not as cool as going to City Hall; it means going out among the folks and asking them to do something, namely sign the petition. So I am now on the lookout for opportunities to gather signatures.

The effort to save MAST has sucked a lot of the air out of my life at times. This has been a good time to stop and take care of some urgent personal matters that are causing me stress. Once I have these cleared up, I will be able to focus better on some of these other items, including the effort to get these petitions signed.

Also we've been missing some news...there was a meeting about the Bannister Mall site I would have liked to have gone to...I haven't really focused on the college or pro football that just started. I have made it to a couple of high school games though, reminding me that I do like football! on the national stage is still a live issue...reactions to Jimmy Carter's statement...the murder rate in Kansas City MO...spiritual considerations going on in my own life...some evaluation of my basic political stand is going on...more fun stuff with cars...etc.

So, things may slow down on this blog, but never in life!

Observer Kitty at about 8 months old.

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