Monday, February 21, 2011

Vote Tomorrow!

Photo of all six mayoral candidates from the blog Jimmy C says--a very good news/political blog!

Kansas City's municipal primary is tomorrow and I hope that many registered voters take the time to vote. The Mayor's race especially is so close that a few hundred votes may separate the top two from the bottom four.

The third district has contributed more than its share of drama to the run up to the election. One candidate, Michael Fletcher, has been ruled ineligible due to residency failure. It appears that he spent some time in California, and testified on an official document that he had established residency there. That is a difficult thing to explain to a judge that you wanted residency in one place at the same time you want residency in another.

Durwin Rice, also running for council from the fightin' third has also had his residency questioned. The question is if Rice actually lives in the third, or in the forth. His case is complicated by race (so's Fletcher's if you read the comments on TKC) on account of Rice being a White guy.

So, the mailers will stop (for a little while) and the robo calls will stop (for a little while) after tomorrow--after which the general election campaign will start.

Then the e tax vote...

Why, I'll be all voted out by then. I hope all this voting doesn't result in another call to Jury Duty!

Here is a good summary of all the names that will appear on the ballot by Groucho K Marx at his place in case you need a refresher.


Anonymous said...

Fellow Southlanders:

Vote for Terrence Nash!!

It's time for a new generation of leadership in South KC. Eddy-Sharp have brought us nothing in their 20 years on the council.

Unless you like that pile of rocks that used to be Bannister Mall.

Anonymous said...

Being "all voted out" is right. I was talking with a friend this morning and we feel like it has been completely non-stop since about June with the August primary, November general, this primary, next month's general and the e-tax vote, that is an unusually large amount of voting!

Anyway, just to do it, here is who I voted for:

Mike Burke
Scott Wagner
Ed Ford
Melba Curls
Jim Glover
skipped 5th at large
Scott Taylor
John Sharp

Anonymous said...

I agree with being voted out. That's part of the reason voter turnout is so low - we're voting all the darn time! And I agree with an earlier poster - vote for Terrence Nash. It was good to see a lot of his signs in the Redbridge area.