175 animals were placed in new homes over the Friday-Sunday adoptathon that just finished up at Wayside Waifs. This included pairs of animals that had bonded together and needed to be adopted together. Very exciting and awesome! In addition, the shelter debuted its newly remodeled quarters for cats. The area now includes several rooms where cats can roam outside of cages, a sun room, and all new cages that have plexiglass instead of bars. It's hard to show the area in still photos, but here are a few:
Come check it out for yourself! 3901 Martha Truman Road in South Kansas City, phone 816-761-8151. On the web at www.waysidewaifs.org.
That facility looks fantastic!
And I'm sure the "guests" there are enjoying it to no end.
This venue is SO much more conducive to the adoptive process.
You folks did REAL good on this...!
This is something to be VERY proud of.
On behalf of all those kitties and cats...I thank you for giving us a peek inside.
Yes, this is so cool! And now more cuddling opportunities for volunteers and visitors.
Thanks for the support.
The Observer
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