Sunday, January 17, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti: A Way To Pray

Christian traditions differ on the use of written prayers. Some traditions have almost exclusively written prayers and rarely do clergy or people pray extemporaneously. Some are the exact opposite; prayers are rarely written and offered "as the Spirit leads" without script. Churches in the Wesleyan tradition often walk the middle way, offering both written and free prayers. The church that I have been attending of late, the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection gave the congregation today some written prayers for Haiti, to use throughout the week. I thought I would share them with you on this rare Sunday blogging session:

Monday--Today I pray for those who are still searching through the rubble, seeking survivors in Haiti. Help them. O God, in their work. Give them strength and protection, I pray. Use them as instruments of help and salvation for those still buried in the debris. Loving God, hear this prayer...

Tuesday--Today I pray for the medical relief workers who are even now caring for the injured, sick and dying in Haiti. Be their strength, O Lord; use their hands to bring healing in your world. Compassionate God, hear this prayer...

Wednesday--Today I pray for those who have lost loved ones in the rubble of Haiti. Comfort and sustain them, O God, in this time of overwhelming sorrow. Bind up their broken heart. I pray especially for Haiti's children. Help them to feel your presence as a parent's hand, holding them safe. Grant all those who grieve the assurance of the resurrection. Bring your hope to Haiti. Saving Lord, hear this prayer...

Thursday--Today I pray for those who are laboring to clear away debris, to build shelters, to haul food and water. Sustain all those who are at this moment shouldering such heavy burdens, carrying heavy hearts. Merciful God, hear this prayer...

Friday--Today I pray for the leaders who are called to make decisions in the face of disaster. Give them your wisdom, O God. Guide them with your vision. Bring good from this terrible tragedy. Divine Wisdom, hear this prayer...

Saturday--Today I pray for your world, O Lord: For peace to reign in every land; for hope to spread from person to person, and nation to nation; and for love to rule in every heart. Show us how to work for your kingdom here on earth. Holy God, hear this prayer...

Sunday--Today I pray for the people of Haiti who will gather for worship today. I pray for Christian relief workers and missionaries and their families in Haiti. Bring them rest and hope on this Sabbath, Lord. Help them to feel your very presence with them. Everlasting God, hear this prayer...

This material was not copyrighted by the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS, but if you want to pass it on, just give credit back to the church. Their web site is Sunday's prayer was altered to make it universal to all Christian denominations working in Haiti, with the substitution of "Christian" for "United Methodist" I doubt that either Church of the Resurrection or God minds!

1 comment:

Ann T. said...
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