Monday, April 16, 2012

Why the Dry Spell?

I think I have figured out why I have been a bit dry on the blog as of late.

I can't debate any more.

It is not just because of the mean spirited nature of discourse these days, although that is part of it. It is not that I don't enjoy a good back and forth on issues and interesting topics. It is not that I have no training in forensics and sometimes feel undermanned in debate.

There are several reasons why debate action does not excite me. First, I often hold nuanced positions that are not easily rendered into a slogan or three points and a poem. For example, on gay marriage: I struggle with the idea of making the marriage of two people of the same sex the equivalent of a marriage between two people of opposite sex. Yet, I also know that the judging of others' worthiness is not in my job description--my job as a person of faith is to show the love of God to everyone. I can annoy both sides with my position, and they can annoy me by trying to push me further towards their positions. Being pushed is no fun!
Secondly, I dislike the division and polarization that has happened. For example, it is automatically assumed that because I profess Christian faith I cannot possibly be for women, or in favor of equal rights for women. I am automatically lumped in with people I really disagree with. To put it the other way, being Atheist becomes a requirement for being pro woman. The third factor is that I am not quite prepared to think that in our difficult times that any of the sides actually know what will actually work to solve our problems. Both left and right are convinced that they have the ideas that will help our country solve its problems and start growing again--I am not so convinced that either group has the formula that will help us start healing and growing our nation.

This does not mean that I have any shortage of opinion, but it does mean that I may not always have the stomach for rancorous and pointed debate. I am more interested in solving problems and making our city/state/nation/world the best place it can be.


chuck said...

Constant dialogue is necessary in the face of constant change.

Introspection is part of the dialogue.

Fill 'er up regular.

locomotivebreath1901 said...

The Preacher said, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..."

We all reach a point of exhaustion with the world and seek only that which edifies and calms.

Oft times, there are simply too many morons about to allow for that and then we must create a sabbatical.

As for 'division, polarization, and difficult times,' just remember that while Jesus walked on earth, He aggressively confronted people about their beliefs and ideas to the point where some wanted to kill Him.

That did not make Jesus 'un-Christ-like.' Nor does it make His disciples unlike Christ.

Besides, some people just hate salt and light.

Bob G. said...

You make some very convinicing points.
And I DO agree w/ chuck...there has to be a TWO-way dialogue.
Loconotive also has a wonderful way at looking at this issue.

My wife was on her debate team in high school...(I have to WORK to debate her on
I just like to have the whole "back and forth" gig going on with debate. I like different perspectives.

But when people become SO opinionated with absolutely NO facts to back them up, there can never BE a true debate.
It just becomes a "head-butt" fest.

Maybe that's why I'd rather pursue the commentary and opinion thing.
Let others provide THEIR side of things and make their decisions, and with reason, we can perhaps open the door to a dialogue, if it flows in that direction.

Very good post.

Stay safe out there..