Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gone Pink

Every year the macho National Football League breaks out the pink to encourage everyone to be aware of breast cancer. In honor of that all the blogs in the South Kansas City Observer Syndicate also put on some pink flourishes. It's a small thing but if it encourages one person to consider cancer prevention measures, it is well worth the small amount of time.

In addition, I would tell every one to take some of the simple measures that can detect all kinds of cancer, not just breast cancer. Prostate exams, skin exams, and colonoscopies are just a few of the simple tests that will help catch cancer before it can take hold. Ask your doctor what an appropriate screening schedule is for you, as each person has unique genetic and environmental risks and strengths.

I think the pink looks great with the teal--check out how the Jacksonville Jaguars look these next weeks...


Bob G. said...

I think this is a great idea...we even bought sodas with PINK caps on them...
My mom-in-law is a survivor, and I think anything that promotes such a good cause as this works (for me).

Stay safe out there.

The Observer said...

Bob G
I always enjoy the yearly appearance of pink in the NFL and appreciate the work done against cancer. For this post, I decided to broaden it out a bit. As people age cancer becomes a real threat.

Thanks for reading. I've been bit neglectful of my bloggy duties--the change of seasons has me a little put of routine.

The Observer