Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bloggy Inspiration

It was Darla Jaye who started it, by having this guy Tony on her radio program in the evening. I liked the discussions the two of them had and I liked the information that Tony seemed to have about this town. So I went on line and started checking this Tony's Kansas City out.

He inspired me to start my own little opinion arena--a place where I could hold forth as if I was sitting on my deck or my neighbor's front porch.

Then the MAST Merger Mess broke forth, and off we went.

Many of my regular Kansas City area readers have probably already seen and read the Pitch's article on Tony Botello, the ringmaster of TKC. Out of towners and occasional readers might find this article on the person who is probably the hub of Kansas City opinion and news blogging interesting. Our town is small enough that one person can sit at the center of something and spread out waves like a stone tossed in a pond. For Kansas City blogging, Tony is that stone that makes the splash that sends out the waves across the water.

Image of Tony and friend from the Pitch--photo by Chris Mullins

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