Friday, April 30, 2010
So You Want to Work In Emergency Medical Services
So Cute Your Head Might Explode
On Persistence: Adventures in Transportation Maintenance
Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.And with the Apostle Paul:
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5 NIV
Of course, I am always amazed at how things can sometimes become. So. Much. More. Complicated!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wasting Time
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Just So Sad
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Grandfather's Car
I Thank You--A Bit Tardy
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Some Very Unfinished Business
Friday, April 23, 2010
Storm Chances and An Opportunity Too Good to Pass Up
Thursday, April 22, 2010
About Barack Obama Junk
From The Scanner Files...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Other Chat From the Meeting
Getting a Peek at the New South Patrol Building
One page of the inch and one half book of plans for the station--and that was only 50%! They are hoping to finish within the next month and get the project to bid, to catch the building trades between big projects.
Ariel view drawing. North is to the top. I-435 to the west. It's a hard area to visualize, but it is at the intersection that is just west of the Home Depot area. The station itself is the building with two wings. One of the wings will belong to South Patrol. The other wing will belong to the Traffic Patrol. The squarish building is a "multipurpose center" that will contain some of the other services, and work out facilities for the officers. Out buildings are for motor, bomb and arson, and K-9 uses.
Back (top) and front (bottom) views. The bottom view will contain the public entrance. The building will be LEEDS certified. Unfortunately, due to use concerns, they were unable to use the permeable pavement on the parking lot to decrease run off. This is pretty cool, as the current South Patrol station has just gotten worn out, and too small. The officers are looking forward to the new station. As an update, the new Metro Patrol station is almost completely done just south of 75th and Prospect, and it came in on time and under budget. It replaces the Metro station at 63rd and Euclid that is suffering from a moving foundation.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
MAST Integration to KCFD Going Smoothly, says Chief
Monday, April 19, 2010
"Dirty Thunderstorm"
Past Saturday Night--Plaza Quiet, Rest of City Insane
Here's Bill Cosby on Having a Good Time
Yes, I know drunkenness is very serious topic, but you know, sometimes we just have to laugh at our silly sinful selves. For one, it keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously. And you know, humor has been known to lead to break throughs and insights.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday Night Cruises Are Back!
The Long Branch at 91st and Metcalf in beautiful Overland Park, KS is again sponsoring an all make laid back just fun cruise night on every Friday night for auto enthusiasts. Come on out some Friday evening, starting around 5 or 6 to see lots of neat cars. An additional note for Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge/DeSoto/AMC enthusiasts: HPAC will cruise at the same spot on the third Saturday of the month, starting tomorrow. HPAC also will have cruises in Independence, MO and Topeka, KS. Check in at the website for more information on the cruises and on the big show in July.
In Which The Observer Confesses...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
National Geographic: May 1959: First Color Portraits of the Heavens
In the paragraph with this photograph of Andromeda, Hubble is mentioned. Now we get amazing pictures from the orbiting telescope with his name on it.
On the left a photo of a "hot star", to the right a nebula that is a part of the constellation Orion's sword.
Let's Lighten Up A Bit
A Pungent Question
Does it make a difference that the kids were Black? If 1000 White kids showed up in a group, would everyone react the same?First, let me tell you that I believe the majority of normal adults, out for dinner, shopping, a movie, etc. on the Plaza would be apprehensive if they saw a group of teens together no matter what the color. Especially male teens. Teens are unpredictable, risk taking and often quite mean to others. They are loud and often verbally intrusive and disrespectful. I don't know if it has always been this way. It may have been. It may be that this behavior is a product of the way kids are being raised these days. I don't know. As I mentioned in a previous post, the older generation always thinks the younger generation is going straight to Hell in a breadbasket.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Plaza Wilding: Links
Plaza Wilding: Some Comments From the People
Yes this is a race issue, isn't it okay to call it what it is as long as we're not being racist while we're doing it? There is a distinction. All of the media reports I've read have felt it necessary not to mention this; some reporters go as far to say that these kids weren't even doing anything, and the cops showed up for fun! Imagine, dozens of police on almost every corner and paddy wagons to boot! I was there last night. I regularly walk to the Plaza, and last night I went to meet up with some friends. I should have turned back when I saw the police lights and helicopter circling. Here are the things I saw: A large mob (probably about 70) of African-American teenagers running and screaming down the street. I thought someone had been shot. By St. John, one teenager was being held down while 2 dozen or so kids watched some boys beat the lights out of him. I nearly became entangled with this crowd and had to run across the street to get away. This is the SECOND WEEKEND IN A ROW this has happened. And if anyone can remember, this is not the first time in history Kansas City has had race riots. What's the full story here? Someone want to interview these kids? Someone want to track down how they are organizing this flash mob? Is there a reporter left in KC who isn't too scared to dig around or are we really just going to interview other Star employees (which is rather unethical journalism) to put together a story where the lead is so buried, it's non-existent?
This is why, we as black people are not welcome anywhere. When all that outcry of "foul" came upon the Sprint Center and its rules, I said to myself, "good for them!" I don't blame them for not wanting us anywhere their property. Instead of acting like civilized human beings, we act like a bunch of wild, ignorant animals and then as you can see from this story, we pass this ignorance right on to our children. Then we want to cry racism and blame white people for our problems. Assume responsibility for yourselves and your children. Stop the vicious cycle of stupidity and ignorance and start parenting your children and start acting like grown ups - instead of useless leeches on our society. Absolutely disgusting and shameful!
These are the same people (MY people, I acknowledge shamefully) that have destroyed and continue to destroy our neighborhoods. Walk through my neighborhood and see the homes with trash in the front and back yards, broken, unreplaced blinds, children hanging out all hours of the day, parents blasting music and t.v.'s all night long, yards strewn with empty beer cans or liquor bottles...yet, this doesn't outrage us. We are quick to cry racism and cry that white people have done this to us...done what?? What white person told you to spend over $300 in clothes, nails and hair while your children's education is non-existent? What white person told you to keep your house and yard so nasty? What white person told you that it's okay to stay home and live off of government assistance?? While we are so busy pointing one finger at someone, remember we'll always have 3 fingers pointing right back at us. Take responsibility for yourselves. We're so busy looking for a handout that we have no idea how to be self-sufficient and we are teaching our children the same insanity.
Our fearless and intrepid Black lady poster responded to another commenter thusly:
This is my last comment on this article, and it's not addressed to the racists who post here. It's for anyone who's black and can understand. If you open your eyes, you can see what's going on here. A picture is being painted. Those of us who have influence in the black community cannot just cluck our tongues and shake our heads and dismiss what's happening to our youth. People are being misled to believe that all of us are criminals, and are being pushed toward acting against us, and when they do, they won't take time to see who's thugging and who isn't, so just because you're not in the ghetto doesn't mean the problem isn't yours. We need to look out for our own lost youth before others start figuring that since we murder each other they might as well murder us too.